A Cowboy SEAL’s Redemption

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A year ago, Navy SEAL Travis Nelson left part of himself in the desert—in more ways than one. While they use the word ‘hero’ back home, he sure doesn’t feel like one, watching all his personal relationships turn to ash. When his old friend invites him to Lone Oak Ranch to meet a special dog and a trainer named AJ who might help him find some normal in his life again, he seizes the opportunity to get away the pressure to perform the role he’s been assigned by his family and friends.

When AJ turns out not to be the male trainer he expected, but instead Alexis Jane, a woman with a heart of gold and a voluptuous body that reignites a long-dead fire in him, Travis is forced to come to terms with the parts of himself that haven’t healed since he came home. Travis can’t deny himself—and doesn’t want to—but can he make AJ see herself the way he sees her? And will he be able to control the burn without taking her down in the fiery crash he knows comes next?